Hiking & Traveling - National Parks
Hiking & Traveling - National Parks
Since Minnesota is legendary for its extreme cold, why not start by admiring the beauty of Minnesota in the winter?
Death Valley National Park
Video 1: A beautiful view from the kitchen on a lazy fall early afternoon. Nice to see the willow tree that we had planted a few years ago doing so well. The leaves are turning and the winter is not far away. But I love fall - it is my favorite season in Minnesota.
“Naim’s Shoebox” could have been an appropriate name for this website. Shoebox as where we used to stuff our printed photos - then hide them in a closet or in the attic, and then forget all about it. Now of course, we are digitized. And therefore, we put our digital pictures on Facebook or Instagram, or what have you. We share, get momentary oohs and aahs, and then let them disappear in the digital shoebox.
I started this project as an antidote. I wanted to create a collage of pictures, thoughts and videos that preserves memories – memories to be reminisced later just by me, or others.
But first things first – here is who I am, albeit in a tongue-in-cheek manner. Life is after all too short, too crazy, and too unpredictable to be taken overly seriously.
Species: homo sapiens with 196 Neanderthal genetic variants (significantly lower then the average value, as certified by "23andMe")
Habitat: Born in (former) East Pakistan, high school in Bangladesh, undergraduate in (former) East Germany, Ph.D. in (former) West Germany, otherwise productive activities in united Germany and the United States.
Profession: 3M Corporate Scientist (retired April 2020). 34+ years of technology and product development experience, with 50+ patents in medical, dental, automotive and industrial fields. (List - not updated)
Hobbies: Hiking, reading, line dancing, photography, intellectual deconstruction of The Matrix, tennis.​
Hobbies in waiting: Languages, visual arts
Other Activities: Board member, Apple Tree Dental non-profit organization
Board Member, Hudson Home and Garden Club, WI
German teacher, 3M Club Language Society
Meetup organizer for German Conversation Group
- Bengali* (mother tongue)
- German
- English
- Spanish (basic conversational - currently learning)
*) A widely spoken language in South Asia that is also the seventh most spoken language in the world. Bengali belongs to the Indo-Aryan family of languages and is derived from Sanskrit. Sanskrit’s origin goes back to the second millennium BCE and is the root of numerous Asian languages. Although it is not spoken any more, its influence is ever present. For example, most of the tongue twisting names of yoga poses are in Sanskrit whose meaning is decipherable by speakers of all these derived languages. In a sense, Sanskrit is the Asian counterpart of Latin. Bengali literature has a millennium-old history and folks heritage and claims a Nobel laureate in literature (Rabindranath Tagore)
Contact: naimul@gmail.com